Historic Registration
Club Veedub Sydney Historic Vehicle Policy
If you are a Club VW member owning a VW that is more than 30 years old and you don’t use it much, you can register your vehicle on Historic Registration that can allow you to use your vintage VW on club-sanctioned events and for personal use at a vast saving on normal registration.

Conditional registration was created for vehicles that require limited road access.
The RMS (NSW Roads and Maritime Services) alone issues a permit for conditional registration on the basis of information provided by approved motoring clubs such as Club VeeDub Sydney Inc.
Owners must belong to an RMS-recognised historic vehicle club as published on the RMS website. You must be a financial member of Club VeeDub Sydney Inc. to obtain conditional registration.
Your registration is a contract between you and the RMS. Club VeeDub Sydney Inc. merely confirms your membership status and the historic eligibility of your vehicle. If there is a breach of the rules, you will be responsible. If you are tempted to submit bogus forms or misinformation be warned that you can be charged for making each false declaration to a public official.
There are two schemes for conditional registration (including replicas of historic vehicles).
Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS)
Historic vehicles must be 30 years or older and as close to original condition as possible, with no alterations except for manufacturer’s options and safety enhancements such as seatbelts and turn indicators. Modifications based on period accessories and options are currently not acceptable to the RMS.
Owners of historic vehicles can make owner certified modifications provided they are in accordance with the RMS Document Vehicle Standards Information VSI-06 and VSI-09. This change places the onus on the member/participant to fully appraise themselves with the two schemes as well as the RMS documentation which outlines modifications for light vehicles and just what requires certification and what doesn’t.
If in doubt about owner-certification check with an authorised blue slip provider. They are the final decision makers about what is/is not requiring certification.
Download the Historic Vehicle Declaration form (Form 1259) here. Historic Vehicle Declaration (nsw.gov.au)
Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS)
For manufactured vehicles 30 years or older where the vehicle has been modified beyond the limits of owner certified modifications and must now meet current Australian Design Rules (ADRs) for the change (e.g., more powerful engine greater than 20%, roll bar, major suspension/steering alterations etc.,).
HVS and CVS both have a log book option where you can drive the vehicle for an unrestricted 60 days per year.
Details must be recorded before you leave home using the logbook issued by the RMS for your current period of registration. You should not use old logbooks nor alter logbooks in any way. Club events are additional to the 60 days and you are not required to list these club events in your logbook. It is advisable to carry evidence of an event, such as a club magazine listing events, in case you are stopped by the police.
Owners of vehicles registered under either HVS or CVS schemes are responsible for obeying the regulations and conditions stipulated by the RMS. Failure to comply will void the registration and insurances on the vehicle exposing the owner to police fines and/or considerable personal liability in the event of an accident.
HVS and CVS vehicles no longer display registration labels. Police now have the capability to photo ID your number plate and they may well turn up to your house and ask to inspect your vehicle or to see the log book entry for the time/day you used the car.
Download the Classic Vehicle Registration form (Form 1835) here. Classic Vehicle Declaration (nsw.gov.au)
What the RMS Wants
To obtain HVS the vehicle operator must provide the RMS with:
- Proof of your identity and ownership (Bill of Sale, previous registration, will, etc.). Joint names are not allowed
- A completed Application for Conditional Registration (new applications only – (Club VeeDub Sydney Inc. does not need to see this form) and a Historic Vehicle Declaration form (white 1259) signed/stamped by a club official stating the member is financial and that the vehicle is eligible
- Notification of car clubs for which they have membership and nominating a primary club. The listed clubs must be on the RMS’ approved list for conditional registration (e.g. GEAR, ARDC or Appendix J are not listed)
- A current pink slip for initial registration or renewal
A registration fee which includes an administration fee, number plate fee and CTP insurance. This insurance only covers you on roads or road-related areas (e.g., footpaths, nature strips, public driveways, public car parks etc), but not on private property
To obtain CVS the vehicle operator must provide the RMS with:
- Proof of your identity and ownership (Bill of Sale, previous registration, will, etc). Joint names are not allowed
- A completed Application for Conditional Registration (new applications only – (Club VeeDub Sydney Inc. does not need to see this form) and a Classic Vehicle Declaration (white 1835) stamped by a club official stating the member is financial and that the vehicle meets the criteria for a CVS. This form must also be stamped and signed by the CMC NSW
- Notification of car clubs for which they have membership and nominating a primary club. The listed clubs must be on the RMS’ approved list for conditional registration (e.g. GEAR, ARDC or Appendix J are not listed)
- An RMS approved Engineer’s Certificate (a copy must be carried in the car at all times)
- A current blue slip (first registration only) or a current Pink Slip (renewal only)
- A registration fee – the same as for the HVS
To Comply with Conditional Registration – HVS and CVS
The operator may use the vehicle on club runs published in the club magazine or for 60 days as recorded in the log book.
- In accordance with the conditions listed on the Certificate of Approved Operations issued by the RMS. This certificate must be carried in the vehicle at all times along with proof of your membership
- To carry one person per seating position and seat belts must be worn, where fitted
- Interstate, continuously for a period of 3 months
- Remain a financial member of their nominated club
- To carry a copy of the Engineer’s Report (CVS only)
You will breach conditional registration if you:
- Submit an invalid 1259/1835 form or provide other fraudulent information to the MGCC
- Continue to operate the vehicle if your MGCC membership lapses
- Temporarily transfer plates to another historic vehicle for the purpose of moving it
- Cease to be a resident of NSW
- Make major alterations to the vehicle from year to year that you do not disclose to the RMS (engine, chassis, etc.) and disqualify the car as a historic vehicle in the eyes of the MGCC
- Sell the vehicle and do not return the plates to the RMS within the approved time frame –usually 14 days.
All renewals and applications for new or continued Conditional Registration must be made through the Club Historic Vehicle Registrar.
Registering and using a classic vehicle | NSW Government
All enquiries regarding Historic Registration should be directed to the Vintage Registrar, or come along to a monthly meeting.
The 'traditional' rules for Club VW Historic Rego are below. In essence, you must have been an active club member for 12 months before you apply, and your VW must be stock-standard (period accessories - those the same age as the car - are allowed).
Club Veedub Sydney Rules for Historic Registration
Last Updated January 2016 - These rules and regulations supersede all previous versions.
Club Veedub Sydney is a well-established club, with genuine intentions regarding the organising of events for members to enjoy their historic Volkswagens. Club Veedub Sydney is incorporated under the NSW Incorporated Associations laws, which are administered by the Department of Fair Trading. Club Veedub Sydney has adequate Public Liability Insurance cover. Club Veedub Sydney is recognised and authorised by the RMS to apply for and administer Historic Registration on behalf if its members.
Club Veedub Sydney is also a member of the Council of Motor Clubs NSW, and therefore enjoys the benefits of a much larger historical car member base, as well as the CMC's direct connection with the RMS's administration of the HCRS in NSW. Before considering Historic Registration, you should read the CMC's rules:
Historic Registration is one of the many benefits of being a member of Club Veedub Sydney, but please remember it is a privilege, not a right, to be granted Historic Plates.We expect Historic Plate holders to be active members of the club, be known to the committee and attend a minimum number of club functions per year. Club Veedub Sydney will only issue Historic Registration to Volkswagen and Audi vehicles.
DO NOT CONSIDER THIS AS JUST “CHEAP” REGO. It is there for genuine enthusiasts who have other vehicles for everyday transport and wish to enjoy their ‘classic’ VW with like-minded club members.
To apply for and use Historic Registration through Club Veedub Sydney, you must observe the following rules.
1. You must be a resident of NSW, as is the case with normal registration.
2. You must have been a financial member of Club Vee Dub Sydney for a period of 12 months before applying for Historic Registration, and be personally known to the Club on a general level. Attendance at general meetings on a regular basis is the usual guideline, but attendance at normal club events is also encouraged.
3. Your VW must be 30 years old or older. The exact month of manufacture is not critical; it is only the year appearing on the compliance plate or indicated by the chassis number.
4. Your VW should be as close to original as possible with no alterations except for safety features such as seat belts and turn indicators, or period accessories and options.
- Period options are allowed, which means that any options and accessories available for your VW, when it was made, can be fitted. This includes modern reproductions of Historic parts.
- Consumables such as modern tyres, batteries and brake linings are allowed, and so are engine modifications to allow lead-free running.
- Genuine Volkswagen parts from newer models, fitted in the interests of safety such as brakes or suspension parts, may also be accepted at the discretion of the Club.
5. In all cases Club Vee Dub Sydney is the sole arbiter on whether your VW is suitable for Historic Registration through this club. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the Historic Registrar.
Vehicle Usage
6. Historic vehicles shall only be used for club recognised events, except as set out in the “Servicing of Vehicles” Section below.
7. Club recognised events shall be:
a. Events as set out on the club events calendar, published in Zeitschrift and in the
Events Calendar page on this website.
b. Events conducted by affiliated car clubs to which an official written invitation has been received by the club.
c. Events which the club gives permission to attend.
8. An event is defined as from your home or place of garaging, directly to the start of the event. Complete the event, and then directly home again.
Servicing of Vehicles
9. All movements of Historically Registered vehicles are to be recorded in an official log book, or movement register held by the Club Registrar. Journeys necessary for refuelling or servicing of vehicles may be made up to 8 km from the notified garaging place of the said vehicle by the shortest possible route, and are permitted at any time, but the movement of the vehicle MUST be recorded in a log book and kept within the car.
10. Longer runs (more than 8 km) necessary for the servicing of vehicles may only be made after receiving permission from the Historic Registrar, or in their absence from the President, Secretary or Treasurer. This permission must be properly recorded in the Club Records by the person approving the movement with full details of time, place and reason. Service runs for road testing a vehicle after extensive work must not exceed 16 km radius of the point of garaging and be recorded in the vehicles log book.
Responsibility of Club Members
11. Initial enquiries should be directed to the Club Registrar for the vehicle's suitability in establishing Historic Registration. Individual approaches are then required to the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) for establishing the Historic registration and renewals.
12. Historic number plates are issued to a member of the club by the RMS and are not transferable either to another vehicle or person in the event of the vehicle being sold.
13. All movements of the vehicle are to be recorded by the holder of the Historic Registration in a personal log book kept in the vehicle at all times.
14. Registration plates must be immediately returned to the Roads and Maritime Services:
a. In the event of the sale of the vehicle on which they are issued or upon the member’s resignation from the Club;
b. Upon the member’s failure to remain a financial member within the meaning of the Constitution of the Club or on failure to pay any levy that may be constitutionally approved by a duly constituted Club meeting;
c. If the Club Registrar or Committee consider the vehicle has been made unsafe or altered after it has been inspected by an Authorised Motor Vehicle Inspection Station as set out in Part 5 of this document
d. At the directive of a Club Committee decision.
15. Historic Registration is granted in the belief that the members’ prime intended use is for club outings. The committee retains the right to reconsider eligibility for issue or renewal should this cease to be the case or if the vehicle does not attend Club outings during the year without good cause.
16. Of these, you are required to attend at least three (3) Club Vee Dub events per year, which will be logged with the Historic Registrar. If your VW becomes undriveable for any reason, you should contact the Historic Registrar.
17. A current copy of the club calendar (available within the club magazine or website) should be carried in your VW at all times. This will provide proof of the Club-sanctioned event you are attending, if required, such as if pulled over by the Police or RMS.
Annual Vehicle Inspection
18. All vehicles holding an Historic Plate MUST undergo an annual inspection by an Authorised Motor Vehicle Inspection Station and obtain a pink or blue slip for renewal or establishment of Historic Registration. Unregistered vehicles must be trailered to and from the inspection.
19. The applicant will pay all fees to the Authorised Motor Vehicle Inspection Station and processing fees to the RMS on commencement or renewal of Historic registration. The
Historic Vehicle Declaration (nsw.gov.au) must be authorised by the Club Plates Registrar, President, Admin Officer or Treasurer (preferably at a club meeting) after financial membership and membership standing is verified. It must be returned to the RMS with the necessary application forms and inspection reports in order to establish or renew registration.
20. Club membership must be current on or before the annual registration date.
21. Chassis, serial, body and engine numbers will form part of the identification of a Historic vehicle. Any change must be notified in writing to the RMS and the Club’s Plate Registrar.
Club's Responsibility
22. The committee will appoint a Historic Club Plates Registrar whose responsibility it is to administer the Historic plate scheme for the Club and its members. He shall review new applications, review existing holders, and receive and record the movements of all club vehicles holding Historic registration in the Club Movements Log. He shall report on the Club's Historic scheme at the Club meetings.
Insurance Requirements
23. A minimum insurance cover of Third Party Property Insurance is required.
24. As part of the RMS Historic registration fees a Compulsory Third Party Insurance (CTP) is issued under the Motor Accident Compensation ACT. This payment is made to QBE Insurance Australia and is collected by the RMS on behalf of QBE when establishing Historic registration annually.
HCRS is a privilege granted to the classic car movement. Both Club Veedub Sydney and the CMC are vigilant in making sure no one abuses the system, and puts our access to it at risk. The network of tens-of-thousands of club members is known for its ability to notify the CMC of anomalies, who are then able to stop any incorrect activities either from within the club movement, or if necessary, with the assistance of the RMS and Police.