Zeitschrift Magazine

Club VeeDub Sydney publishes an excellent monthly magazine named ‘Zeitschrift’. This funny-looking word (it’s pronounced ‘SITE-shrift’) is German for ‘magazine’. All Club members and sponsors receive a copy each month, as a digital full-colour PDF that can be used on any digital device. While we have phased out wasteful posted paper magazines, a small number of recent printed issues are available at the monthly meeting. So if you want one, come along to the next meeting!

The magazine is your forum! We welcome all letters, articles and contributions of general VW interest. We’re always looking for stories on Australian VW history, period and current VW news items and newspaper cuttings, VW adventure stories, technical how-tos, workshop tech tips, VW road tests or your impressions of the latest models…you get the idea. We especially appreciate people writing us reports about club runs they’ve been on, or other VW stuff they’ve done recently.

We produce 12 issues per year, one each month. Each issue contains an up-to-date calendar of coming events, VW For-Sales/Wanteds (‘Marktplatz’), and all the latest VW news and articles. Marktplatz ads are free; just email your ad the Editor. Include as much info on your car as possible - don't forget your mobile number. You can also include a photo - just attach a JPG in landscape format if possible please!

Close-off date for all submissions is the first Thursday of each month. Anything received after that will be held over until the next month. The magazine is published and distributed on second Thursday of each month, arriving in members’ email inboxes a few days after, well before the coming monthly meeting.

From the very first issue in 1985 until the early 2000s, the magazine was produced with typewriters, messy Gestetners and photocopiers.  We have selected hundreds of the best articles from these early years, on all VW topics, and they are available, sorted by category, for your reading pleasure under the Old Articles page.

Since then, all issues from August 2006 have been produced as PDFs. We have also recently found earlier issues from 2003-06 that Steve Carter originally created as Microsoft Publisher files, and we've converted them to PDF for you. Almost all issues are available for free downloading from the Archives on the left – just select the year you are interested in, and click on an issue to download. The most recent issues are for Club Veedub members only, so they won't appear here for a couple of months.

Our Zeitschrift has more content than any VW club magazine in the world, and it's all here for you - they are all free for your reading pleasure. We don't charge you for old issues, like some VW clubs do (hello VW Club of America). Feel free to open, download and read as many issues as you like.

Other VW clubs are welcome to use content from Zeitschrift in their own magazines, if they wish. However, if you do, we would appreciate an acknowledgement to 'Zeitschrift, Club Veedub Sydney.'

If you would like to find an article on any specific Volkswagen topic, you can! Just click on the index link below to download the Zeitschrift Index. This 97-page PDF lists every article in our magazine, from 2003 to the end of 2023 - over 4,630 articles. Find the subject you're looking for, and note the issue and page to look. Then go to the archive on the left and download it. We are the only Volkswagen club in the world to offer this facility. Enjoy!



If you would like to receive the latest issues, it’s easy – Join Club Veedub Sydney! Click here for membership details.